
Magical herbal concoctions in the form of oils, salves, teas, and bath soaks! Potions help you align your mind, body, and spirit to manifest a particular change. My potions are brewed up in my kitchen in small batches, hand-Crafted with organic and sustainably harvested herbs, and charged in ritual. 

when it’s 4 am and you find me, my grandmas, the goddess, and a million candles making magic in my kitchen

Sometimes, when we need most to access our intention to move in our life journey, we feel scattered, depleted, and powerless. Ungrounded. Unable to harness our inner strength. Potions use the power of plant magic to support you in reclaiming your innate spiritual gifts; aligning your mind-body-spirit to the work you have before you!


Herb Magic Gallery.

plants + potions