
A Year and a Day of Community Practice

In this year-long ritual space we invite you to deepen your connections to the sacred and more-than-human world: through ancestors, dreams, and somatic and ritual practices.

We will gather in the forest, under the full moon, and around the fire at the quarters of the Wheel of the Year.

At our final gathering we will perform ritual with and for each other to mark the pathways we've traveled in this year and a day of practice.

We will gather to invite loving and accountable connection to the land and mystery; to heal ourselves and our lineages; to cultivate our inherent sacredness for the sake of our collective liberation.

What you’ll get:

Five day-long workshops around the Wheel of the Year - teaching, individual practices, and collective ritual

Seasonal, farm-based lunch and dinner on the Farm, made by Anders Podschun of Du Nord Meat Co

Access to our virtual community classroom, including a somatic or ritual practice with each moon cycle, support materials, and a private community forum

Wild harvested herbs and plant allies from the Lakeshore or Farm to take home and learn from

A community of folk with whom you can come together on this journey

And more!

When is this happening?

11am-8pm CT Sunday November 5th, 2023

virtual/hybrid 10-12 and 3-6pm CT Sunday February 4th, 2024

11am-8pm CT Sunday May 5th, 2024

11am-8pm CT Sunday August 4th, 2024

11am-8pm CT Sunday November 3rd, 2024

What is happening? Like, more specifically?

  • We open with opening: the lineages we hold live within us, but we do not often have conscious access to them. In this gathering we meet each other and those we brought with us in spirit. We use somatic and witchy exercises to move with trust into relationship building with our ancestors, in order to receive teachings and guidance.

    In this gathering we will:

    -Identify some of our lineages, and share what stories we have and do not have

    -Enter into ritual and dream work around deepening mysticism (meet some ancestors)

    -Set intentions for gnostic guidance in this next season; commit to an Ancestor practice and/or Dreamwork for the next few months

  • We follow with planting: with the wisdom we have received and the relationships we have nurtured, we set out to contribute to something new (in our lives, in the world). We plant our intention for the year.

    Important Note: This will be a hybrid gathering, with some participants joining by Zoom, because of the severity of Northland Weather.

    In this gathering we will:

    -Share out our experiences from the past few months; practice holding space for each other and this aspect of liberation work

    -Share and explore the story of Brigid/St. Brigid in Her complexity and applicability to our own lives (Goddess energy, colonialism, and modern lineage repair)

    -Plant the seeds of our personal growth over the coming months; with the wisdom we’ve gathered over the past few months, we plant the seeds of our intention for this Year and a Day journey

  • We come together to IGNITE our work. The Earth is awakening and we are entering the fertile, vital months of our year. We call out the hard things—the problematic things, the stuck things—that we have encountered in our practices thus far, and we open ourselves to the sacred fire that illuminates and purges. We commit to a season of wild growth. We live into the sacredness of our bodies; what they hold and how we use them.

    In this gathering we will:

    -Share out our experiences from the past few months, holding space especially for things that are bursting forth and things that are super hard.

    -Release and re-align with our purposes and intentions

    -Recieve and share energy work,

    -Engage practices that bring us into our Bodies even as we focus on the mystic and spiritual

  • We harvest and synthesize the experiences of the past 3 seasons, specifically leaning into how our initial intentions shaped our practices and where we find ourselves now. Analysis and reflection in sacred community. Naming the fruits of our labors that we’ve already gathered, and noticing what it is we are still tending.

    In this gathering we will

    -Share out our experiences of this endeavor thus far, specifically focusing on how we have evolved and shifted; how our intentions and practices have shaped and moved us

    -Identify the integration within ourselves of Lineage, Land, Decolonization, Spirituality, and Liberation

    -Use somatic and witchy practices to continue relationship with the Land and what we are harvesting, what we are still tending

    -Build Ritual together in preparation for our group Dedication in November

  • We hold witness and sacred space for each other in ritual. We Mark the Year and a Day of study and practice we have each undertaken, and now dedicate ourselves to a Thing (very individualized; can be a role, can be a journey, can be a tradition or a practice…). There will be food and celebration!

    In this gathering we will:

    -Hold space for and perform everyone’s initiation ceremonies


    -Award Certificates of Completion to folks who do!! Thank you!!

Thank you!

Now, I need some logistics…

  • The actual price of this year-long workshop series—for facilitation and provisions—is $1443 per person. We are offering the option to either pay fully up front, or to pay a set amount per month (the true cost rate being $111/month) over the course of the 13 months that we meet.

    Pricing Tiers:

    $2,886 or $222/month

    $1,443 or $111/month

    $1,001 or $77/month

    $715 or $55/month

    $143 or $11/month (BIPOC or Trans/GNC)*

    We are offering tiered pricing, which allows us to provide some reduced rates tickets and therefore support accessibility to this work. We can only offer limited numbers of each reduced rate tier and still cover our expenses, let alone pay ourselves sustainably, so please select the pricing tier that best reflects your means and situations. Once the number of registrants at each tier is filled, that option will close for this session.

    As you consider what to pay, please take into account your own income, any safety nets (via partnership, family, etc) that you have access to, your debt and care giving responsibilities, investments and land ownership, and anything else that impacts your finances. you might find worts & cunning’s green bottle sliding scale model helpful in assessing where you fall! Economics and class access are often hidden and loaded with shame and assumptions. Please be in touch with Iris if you need to pay less than $11/month, or would like to barter.

    Thank you for supporting our ability to offer this course to everybody; pay full cost if you can, and more if you are able for those who cannot!

    *Our lowest payment tier is prioritized for low–income people who identify as either trans*/gender-nonconforming OR Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

    Due to the limited size of this retreat space, we cannot offer refunds. If a participant has an access need that facilitators are not able to meet, we will offer a partial refund based on the number of gatherings remaining.

  • In-person events are hosted on slightly uneven terrain, unless any participants use mobility aids. Videos and Zoom events include closed captioning. All practices are trauma-informed and include options and choice. Participants are encouraged to show up as they are – we recognize all of our inherent worthiness to connect and learn. Our facilitators will occasionally name the impact of white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, capitalism, etc. but our focus will be on joyful connection to ancestral knowledge and practices.

    You will be asked about access needs after you register and pay, but feel free to be in touch with Iris at or 715-329-0867 if you have questions or requests.

  • We welcome people of all family histories, lineages, and racial and ethnic identities to this course! If you resonate with the premise of gathering together in community to seek and share wisdom around healing lineage and collective liberation, you’re welcome to join us!

    Both founders of this course, Iris and Carolyn, identify as White folks with settler histories and can only bring who we are to our roles. This year, we are excited to welcome our amazing friend Anela Barboza more fully into our facilitation team. Her presence, stories, experiences, and lineages help us weave an even wider container for this inherently change-oriented work. She will attend a portion of each gathering virtually, as well as facilitate the BIPOC Caucus.

    *BIPOC Caucus space is dedicated time and meeting space for folks who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color.

  • We have reviewed protocols for COVID safety, and best practices for meeting in person and indoors are that everyone be vaccinated (if medically possible) and tested for COVID.

    When weather allows, we will meet outside. Our indoor meeting space is well ventilated.

    We recognize that these protocols may not be inclusive for everyone. We value in person connection and being able to see faces, and this feels the best way forward at this juncture.

    If you have additional COVID safety needs, please contact to dialogue about navigating them.

Meet the Team

  • Iris Podschun, PCC (they/them)

    Co-Creator & Facilitator

    The Venerations, LLC

    Learn more about Iris!

  • Carolyn Kerns, MDiv (she/her)

    Co-Creator & Facilitator

    The Village Witch

    Learn more about Carolyn!

  • Anela Barboza Seliskar, PCC (She/They/ʻoia)

    Guest Facilitator & BIPOC Caucus; Creative Collaborator

    Ulele Coaching

    Learn more about Anela!

  • Anders Podschun

    Chef & Food Storyteller

    Du Nord Meat Co.

  • Marisa Lee

    Guest Facilitator & Ojibwemowin Plant Guide

    My Wild Wisconsin