3 Cauldrons Project

Community Witchcraft at Work

Craft. Community. Cauldrons.

Thank you for joining us in the 3 Cauldrons ongoing community witchcraft project!

Now let us know you did it!

After you make a magical contribution to one of the 3 Cauldrons, let us know! This way we can track the scope of this working as it impacts and evolves. Fill out the form below as fully or as sparsely as you feel inclined, but DO let us know you joined in! Keep scrolling to fill and submit the 3 Cauldrons Participation form! Let’s do this.

I Did It!

I Did It!

Needs and issues change; the 3 Cauldrons will change too. If you have a cause you’d like to recommend for the Cauldron Project, contact me at Carolyn@NorthwoodsWitch.com